if you don't wrap your whole page in a form, and use submitlinks
everywhere, you'll loose user input. Forms need to be submitted to the
server to retain their input.

Much better IMO is a client side javascript that triggers a
confirmation box when the user has modified some fields, being called
when a link or button is clicked (or page unload is triggered).


On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Arie Fishler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to consult on implementing a generic mechanism for checking
> whether some data on a page modified before leaving that page.
> The use case is:
> - Page has some form fields or other controls
> - User has entered some data to the form
> - Before submitting the form user clicked on a link to leave the page (might
> be a menu item or similar).
> The required action will be:
> A) Check if the new page the user is going to means "no loss of data" ->
> user can go back safely to his form data later on and this is considered a
> valid move to another page
> B) Checks if the new page "cancels" the form which means the user will lose
> all his data. In this case we need to alert the user (modal window) that
> moving to the new page will cause loss of data. He should approve this.
> C) If he approves operation will continue. If he cancels he will go BACK to
> the same page he just left with no loss of form data.
> This looks like a need to use *redirectToInterceptPage* only that if the
> user cancels...I want to go back to the LAST page. How do I retrieve
> programatically the previous page the user has left and go back to it? I
> also need the previous page to check if the transition is "valid" which
> relates to action (A) above - in such a case no warning needs to be issued
> to the user
> Thanks,
> Arie

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