On Tue, 14 Oct 2008, Matthias Keller wrote:
> Do you propose to use a custom PropertyModel for both with an overridden 
> setObject() method which accesses the RadioGroup and DropDownChoice? 
> Then I'd need a second reallySetObject() method which actually does the 
> setting as both setObject() would have that logic inside.... arghh...

No, I was thinking of just new IModel() { ...} and putting
whatever logic you need there. If you have the skeleton of 
the nearly-working code to show it would be easier to get to 
the details with that.

Anyway, Igor suggested FormComponentPanel (that I have no 
experience with) so that's probably a good idea.

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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