
I'm not sure I understand exactly what is your problem but wouldn't something like this:

Db4oImpl / JpaImpl / WhateverImpl ---extends---> AbstractBaseClassWithYourBusinessLogic ---implements---> YourInterface

Where needed you would delegate to the base class (just adding the impl specific annotation). Just out of interest: do you really need to be able to easily switch between different persistence providers?

// Daniel

On 2008-10-16, at 03:00, Edgar Merino wrote:


I couldn't find any other place to post this, so I'm doing it here, (it's related to java web development anyway). I've been working on a project where wicket has access to the domain layer through interfaces because I didn't want my project to depend on any dbms, however I've been thinking and the main problem here lies with db4o, since it cannot make use of JPA annotations on entities (domain models). I would like to get rid of those interfaces and use concrete implementations to handle business code inside the entities, but then the above problem arises. So what recommendations can you give to have a fully implemented domain model (using jpa annotations) but still be able to use any dbms (or orm/dmbs) without having to map those the domain model at the service layer? I hope I can get some feedback on this, as it has been the main problem I've been facing when coding scalable web applications.

Edgar Merino

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