Did you add the wicket application to you tomcat server instance in eclipse? Are you aware that eclipse by default does not deploy to your tomcat install folder but to a folder in your workspace (D:\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core)


overseastars wrote:
I dont know exactly the problem. But I went to the logs folder under tomcat
home folder and find nothing there. no files.actually.  also according to
the console on eclipse, I think it doesnt start the wicket development model
at all.

overseastars wrote:
Hi all

I have this strange problem now. If i use jetty, everything is find. But
if I wanna run wicket application on tomcat in eclipse, it doesnt work.
Any ideas to solve this????? Do I need to do sth with tomcat??? I'm a
newbie. So is the question......

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