WebMarkupContainer body = new


On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 1:51 PM, Tauren Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm looking for advice on how to deal with the component hierarchy below.
> I'm getting a MarkupException and think that the problem is that the "body"
> defined in base page is a sibling of content, header, and footer instead of
> their parent.  Content, header, and footer should be children of body.
> Any suggestions on a clean way to add them as children?  I could define
> body
> as a property and then in HomePage do getBody().add(new
> HomePanel("content")
> or some such, but is there a better way to do this?  I suppose I could pull
> the body into the HomePage as well.
> I'm working on a site that has different color schemes for different
> sections.  So my thought was to add a CSS class to the body so that I can
> use CSS selectors to specify colors based on which pageStyle the page is
> set
> to use.   There are only a few color changes necessary, so I wanted to keep
> it all in one CSS file instead of adding wicket:head to each page with
> customizations on a per page basis.
> I'd appreciate any suggestions on nice clean solutions to this, or even
> ideas on completely different approaches to this problem.
> Thanks!
> Tauren
> BasePage
> --------
> private void init() {
>    WebMarkupContainer body = new WebMarkupContainer("pageStyle");
>    body.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("class",getPageStyle()));
>    add(body);
> }
> <body wicket:id="pageStyle">
>    <wicket:child />
> </body>
> HomePage extends BasePage
> -------------------------
> public void init() {
>    add(new HomePanel("content"));
>        add(new HeaderPanel("header"));
>        add(new FooterPanel("footer"));
> }
> <wicket:extend>
>    <div wicket:id="header"></div>
>    <div id="doc4" class="yui-t5">
>        <div wicket:id="content"></div>
>    </div>
>    <div wicket:id="footer"></div>
> </wicket:extend>

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