
I want to use REST url for my application using wicketstuff-annotation
but it seems that I can't use the same path for 2 pages.
For example :
- /products for the list of products
  @MountPath(path = "products")
  public class ProductListPage extends Webpage

- /products/5 for the detail of product with id=5.
  @MountPath(path = "products")
  @MountMixedParam(parameterNames = { "id" })
  public class ProductDetailPage extends Webpage

It throws an "WicketRuntimeException: its is already mounted for
BookmarkablePageEncoder" on start up.
I tried to use the patch described in
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-1534 but it goes to first
page with this path (ie /products displays the product detail page for

I also tried:
- /products for the list of products
  @MountPath(path = "products")
  public class ProductListPage extends Webpage

- /products/detail/5 for the detail of product with id=5.
  @MountPath(path = "products/detail")
  @MountMixedParam(parameterNames = { "id" })
  public class ProductDetailPage extends Webpage

but /products/detail/5 displays the list page because the list page
path is a subset of the detail page path.

Dis someone used this kind of urls with Wicket ?

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