I am trying to access different static images that aren't Wicket resources,
though their path is set programmatically by my Wicket pages; unfortunately
I'm seeing strange behavior.

My wicket app is installed under "/myContext/wicketStuff" (with wicketFilter
url-pattern pointing to 'wicketStuff'), but my images are found at the top
level under "/myContext/images", eg. "images/en_US/junk.gif".  I'm trying to
point to different ones based on Locale (rather than use the nice classpath
resources, at least for now), so I'm trying the following:

String locale = "en_US";
add(new ContextImage("currentJunk", "images/" + locale + "/junk.gif"));

... or:

add(new Image("currentJunk").add(new ContextPathGenerator("images/" + locale
+ "/junk.gif")));

My HTML is simple:
<img wicket:id="currentJunk" />

The output is strange: it puts my path argument at the front of the URL, and
then it adds a "/../" at the end:

<img src="images/en_US/junk.gif/../" wicket:id="currentJunk">

This seems like a bug; why would it put stuff at the end?  Manually
configuring the context (eg. in web.xml) seems fraught with danger.  I could
probably work with it if it would put that at the beginning or even not put
anything at all, and I could specify the path.

I'm using version 1.4-m3

I appreciate any help or even other suggestions.  Thanks!

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