(Though it's still a work in process) and not yet supported by the wicket core committers

On 11/20/08 9:17 PM, krisNog wrote:
which portlet 2 patch are you referring to? Where is it available?


Thijs wrote:
But does it also have a problem if it's running a standalone wicket

Btw I've run wicket portlets (with the portlet 2 patch) in Glassfish&
open portal portlet container(v. rc2 then)  and that worked just fine...
So I don't know what the problem could be...


On 11/19/08 8:44 PM, krisNog wrote:
The difference appears to be : vs %3A (the URL encoded : ) in urls.

For example wicket seems to be creating test:test2 in Firefox and
test%3Atest2 in IE. Glassfish doesn't like the :

Thijs wrote:

Do you know what is send differently to the server in FF2 vs IE
And where the error is thrown, why it says that the URLPatternSpec is


On 18-11-2008 22:57, prasana wrote:

Hi all,

We are running Wicket Portlet in Jetspeed Portal deployed in Glassfish.

But whenever we make a Ajax calls, it results in "There are some
the request: invalid URLPatternSpec|#" in the server log file and Ajax
windows shows "ERROR: Received Ajax response with code: 400"

The above error happens only in Firefox 2 and not in IE 6/7

I greatly appreciate any help regarding on what I need to do to see the
workflow actions for assets.


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