Is there any reason why FeedbackMessages#add(FeedbackMessage) is package
private?  I'd like to be able to just stick a FeedbackMessage directly in my
Session rather than having to call add(Component, String, int), info(...),
error(...), warn(...), fatal(...) or debug(...).

Alternatively, but probably more disruptive, could the signature of the add,
info, warn, fatal and debug methods be changed from taking a String object
to taking a Serializable, like the error method does?  This would achieve
what I am looking for.

Basically, I have a javascript FeedbackPanel which works on a subclass of
FeedbackMessage.  I wrap my javascript foo as the serializable object in the
FeedbackMessage.  This works great for all component feedback, but I came
across a case where I'd like to stick a feedback message in my session for
events such as the first visit to a page, for example, and this message kind
of falls outside the standard feedback levels.  I'd like to be able to
manually create my js message, wrap it in a FeedbackMessage and stick it in
the session.

If there is a better suggestion, I'd be open to that, too!  Thanks!


Matthew Rollins Hanlon
Hanlon's Razor:
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by

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