With Wicket 1.3 only one page should be stored in session. You should
check if you don't keep references between pages -> that would result
in 1+N pages (with N being the number of pages you reference in your

Other than that: using LDM's and DataView/DataProvider instead of
ListView will help considerably.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:02 AM, jhp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a serious problem with our application. It uses
> wicket+guice+hibernate technologies. The problem basically is that the
> application was developed with very little attention to the possible session
> size, and it is biting us now.
> The are several domain classes and the dependecies are not the simplest
> possible. For example frontpage shows a listing of objects, and for each
> object it shows a name and a link etc.
> For the listing I have used LoadableDetachableModel, the model is passed to
> a Panel, that then uses this type of structure:
> ListView recommendationListView = new ListView("recommendationListView",
> recommendationListModel) {
>        @Override
>        protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
>                final Recommendation recommendation = (Recommendation)
> item.getModelObject();
>                ExternalLink link = new
> ExternalLink("recommendationLink","/recommendation/id/" +
> recommendation.getId());
>                item.add(link);
> And this type of structure is used all over the application. I thought that
> this was OK, but now I am not sure. When I run the code in production
> environment and test it with jmeter script, i can see that the the memory
> tomcat reserves grows rapidly. When I shutdown tomcat and investigate the
> SESSIONS.ser file that tomcat generates, I can see there are lots of domain
> classes serialized to the session. And as domain classes have other domain
> classes as collections and they might have still more (altough I use
> FetchType= Lazy whereever I can), it's easy to see why sessions start to
> take too much memory and eventually java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap
> space appears.
> Are there any possible things that I could try? Or do I have to go throug
> the code and try to change everything to LoadableDetachableModel, which will
> be very tedious. Any help to the problem, or more accurate ways to pinpoint
> the problem, would be greatly appreceated.
> BR,
> Jukka
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://www.nabble.com/Wicket-Session-grows-too-big-real-fast-tp20697077p20697077.html
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