On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, Eduardo Simioni wrote:
> If you want Wicket to be competitive, you should think about better and
> centralized documentation.

Or better yet write it :) The wiki is centralised and open,
everybody is more than welcome to update and improve it.

> documentation, and definitely source code is not documentation.

Definitely source code is documentation and I find Wicket
source code mostly understandable. It can be improved though,
and here your patches are most welcome again :) In some
places, the readability has to give way to optimisation

> Another problem is that JavaDoc doesn't come with the dist. I have to read
> it at source code as well, because on the website there is just the JavaDoc
> for the current release. Please, don't ask me to generate the JavaDoc
> myself.

Nope, with Wicket (and any open source framework) you should
just bundle the sources in your IDE, then the IDE will show
javadocs as well. And javadocs always make more sense to read
with the actual source code.


  mvn -DdownloadSources eclipse:eclipse

Best wishes,

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