Use a border

-----Mensagem original-----
De: kan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008 09:03
Assunto: make invisible if model object is null

I use the next construction very often:

<wicket:enclosure child="something">
<p>Something here, description, comments etc: <span

add(new Label("something")
        public boolean isVisible() {
                return super.isVisible() && getDefaultModelObject() != null;

And there are a lot different components which should be hidden with
some arounding text if they have null value of model object.
How to make this more elegant?
First obvious way - inherit from Label, and make something
LabelInvisibleNull, but it is very bad, because a lot different
components (not only Label, but Image, WebMarkupContainer, some my
custom components, etc) require this behavior.
Second - more meaningful - make a IBehavior. But it doesn't work. In
"bind" is to early to check model, but in "beforeRender" is too late
to change visibility.
Is there any other option?

WBR, kan.

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