I'm totally against captcha. It's annoying for users and just one more obstacle 
for criminals - they will always find a way to break it. What I really suggest 

1) use HTTPS (obviously)
2) require your users a strong password
3) if your user tries login in more than X times, disable his/her account and 
redirect them to some "Forgot your password?" page. And they will have to 
answer some question related to their profile to get an email with a link to 
reset their password.

This is how I usually code websites with user/password support. The reason I 
don't like captcha is that I want to let power users to use browser's password 
remembering feature, and most of them hate having to type again some silly word 
drawed on some silly image. And I also don't want to annoy non-power users, but 
still protect them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Maarten Bosteels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 3:37 PM
To: users@wicket.apache.org
Subject: Re: Thread.sleep() for only one session

If you're trying to defend against a brute-force password guessing attack,
you could add a captcha to your logon form after x failed login attempts
from one IP address.


On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Jeremy Thomerson

> You definitely do NOT want to intentionally sleep a thread - that halts the
> request, and uses up your thread pool.  You instead want the request to
> complete, but you don't want to allow them to continue trying.  So, that
> being said, you could:
> 1 - add a value to their session like "private long blockedFromSignInUntil"
> and when they've exceeded your threshold, set that for ten minutes future.
> This isn't bulletproof since they could start a new session by using a new
> window / browser / blowing away cookies.
> 2 - if it's on a per-username (rather than a per-session) basis, add a
> similar value to the user - not allowed signin until....  This is probably
> better anyway, because if I'm "nefarious guy" and I'm trying to sign in to
> "mr nice guy" account, you lock "mr nice guy" account because you are in
> fact detecting an identity theft attempt.
> 3 - you could do a combo of the above so that I, "nefarious guy" when I get
> blocked from "mr nice guy" account, can't move on to "mr unsuspecting"
> account.
> Then, just have your sign in form be aware of that value in session or user
> and not allow a sign in to that account or from that session until the
> timeout is expired.
> But as a general rule of thumb, never use Thread.sleep in a web app -
> especially somewhere in the request cycle.  It'll be shooting yourself in
> the foot.
> Hope this helps,
> --
> Jeremy Thomerson
> http://www.wickettraining.com
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Anton Veretennikov <
> > Hello all Wicket users.
> >
> > One more question today.
> > I need to implement appearence of sleep if "user" (session, IP
> > address) tries incorrect login many times.
> > Thread.sleep() seems to stop all sessions at once. Any ideas?
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
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