I don't see anything right away wrong with your code below.   So, maybe a
couple questions will help:

Goes into an endless loop when?  When it's rendering?  When loading image?
When clicking on link?
Also - what HTML does your code below produce?

Jeremy Thomerson

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Ed _ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to create clickable icons that would link to an external page.
> I came across -
> http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/how-to-load-an-external-image.html - But
> the server just goes into an endless loop.
> pointers?
> Ed
> ExternalLink link = new ExternalLink("partnerLink", partnerLink);
>        StaticImage sImg = new StaticImage("partnerIcon", new
> Model(partnerIconUrl));
>        link.add(sImg);
>        add(link);
> html xmlns:wicket>
> <wicket:panel>
>    <div class="partner_panel">
>        <a href="#" wicket:id="partnerLink">
>             <img wicket:id="partnerIcon" width="50" height="35" src="#" />
>        </a>
>    </div>
> </wicket:panel>
> </html>
> class StaticImage extends WebComponent {
>    public StaticImage(String id, IModel model) {
>        super(id, model);
>    }
>    protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
>        super.onComponentTag(tag);
>        checkComponentTag(tag, "img");
>        tag.put("src", getModelObjectAsString());
>    }
> }
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