Hi everybody,

I have a little Problem with LDMs:

I have a page with a ListView and for each item in the ListView the user can
open a modalWindow to edit the item.

My Problem is, that I don't want to persist the item to the DB from the
modalWindow. Only after the User confirms the changes in the page with the
ListView, all these changes for all items from the ListView should be
persisted. Or the User presses "abort" and nothing is persisted.

When I use LDMs changes that are made in the modalWindow are never shown in
the ListView, because the models are detached.

I could use normal Models or the actual Objects for this, but then I might
run into lazy-initialization-problems.

Has anybody a solution for this problem, or is this simply not possible in
this way?

Thanks in advance,



My Code looks like this:

ListView<Account> accountListView = new ListView<Account>("accountList",
            protected void populateItem(ListItem<Account> item) {
                DetachableEntityModel<Account> account = new

                item.add(new Label("accountName", new
PropertyModel<String>(account, "name")));
                item.add(new Label("accountNumber", new
PropertyModel<String>(account, "number")));

                item.add(new AjaxLink<Account>("edit", account)
                    public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                        modalWindow.showPage(target, new
AccountEditPage(modalWindow, this.getModel()));

        AjaxLink save = new AjaxLink("saveAccounts")
            public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                User user = userModel.getObject();


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