Ernesto - similar to what you did?

Graeme Knight wrote:
> Hi.
> I recently had a question which I put to the forum here:
> Generating
> IMG SRC to replace CIDs. 
> I believe I have found the answer (thanks to Ernesto's help) which I would
> like some verification of if possible (not sure if it needs a wiki page):
> Here's the solution:
> 1) In my application I create a new shared resource:
>     @Override
>     protected void init()
>     {
>         getSharedResources().add( "cidImageResource", new
> CIDImageResource() );
>         mountSharedResource( "/imageStuff", "cidImageResource" );
>     }
> 2) My CIDImageResource class is a subclass of DynamicImageResource.
>     It has a single important implementation of a method in it: byte[]
> getImageData().
>     This method will be passed a filename as a parameter. This filename is
> the image file we wish to render and is known by its attachment on 
> url-to-cid-image-resource?filename=image.png . Note that 'image.png' is
> the name of a file that has previously been serialized onto the file
> system and replaces the CID in the HTML email that we are rendering.
> 3) There is a magic class that I have that loads the HTML email data from
> the filesystem and parses out the CIDs, replacing the
> SRC="CID:sdkfhsakhfskdfh13213123" with the correct URL to the correct
> file. This URL is gotten in the following way:
> First we get the following:
>             ResourceReference ref = new ResourceReference(
> "cidImageResource" );
>             RequestCycle requestCycle = getRequestCycle();
> We then loop around all our known CID references in the HTML email and
> call the following:
>            String contentFileName = UserDefaults.resolveUserHomePath(
> userName ) + uploadData.getUploadFileName();
>            ValueMap parameters = new ValueMap();
>            parameters.put( "filename", contentFileName );
>           String link = requestCycle.urlFor( resourceReference, parameters
> ).toString();
> Once we have the link to the file, we replace the correct "CID:". We do
> this numerous times for the entire HTML email.
> 4) The HTML email is rendered in an iframe.
> See my previous post, which I got working, and sets the innerHTML on the
> iframe: 
> iframe innerHTML post. 
> The shared resource (cidImageResource) that I created in the application
> is then called repeatedly during rendering of the iframe, and the image
> byte data is returned to the browser and rendered correctly in place of
> the CIDs.
> Does this sound about right? I hope this may be useful to someone else if
> it is!
> All the best, Graeme.

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