I have found myself some weird behaviors with PDFs and IE... E.g. when
trying to show a PDF in an iframe it would work for some "versions" of
IE 6 and not with others (same IE6 but not exactly the same "release").
I never discovered why. Did you tried tricking it to  think it is 
downloading a  "real" PDF file? For instance, if you mounted a resource 
try doing it like  "yyy/myfile.pdf". That  trick "fixed" my problem 
with iframes. Also on [1] there are some recommendations for writing
servlets for servicing PDF, maybe you could find there some useful info.



[1] http://itextdocs.lowagie.com/tutorial/general/webapp/

lizz wrote:
> I am creating a (jasper) pdf file using JRPdfResource in a JasperLink. This
> works fine in Firefox and Internet Explorer 7, but when I use Internet
> Explorer 6 I get an error message saying "There was an error opening the
> document. The file cannot be found.".
> I also have an Excel link using JRXlsResource but this one works fine for
> all 3 browsers. 
> Doesn anyone know why this happens?
> Thanks :-)

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