I've bought and read most of Wicket in Action (WIA), great book! I'm exited
to use Wicket but I have some start up questions I feel I need to ask
someone more experienced about.

The project will use Wicket + Spring + Hibernate which I suspect is a fairly
common combination.

In the bonus chapter on how to setup an environment in WIA it mentions three
ways to get a quick start:  Wicket's quick-start project generator (Wicket
only), QWicket (sets up Wicket + Spring) and AppFuse Light (sets up Wicket +
Spring + "a number of" ORM frameworks. Or alternativly I could set it up
myself by hand. I don't want to use Maven 2 as I feel that I have reach my
limit on new technologies for one project (I'm previously familiar with EJB
3.0, JPA, Servlet + JSP and Ant) and it seems like it requires some time to
get used to.

http://wicket.apache.org/quickstart.html suggests this project structure:

   |   pom.xml

       |   +---java
       |   |   \---com
       |   |       \---mycompany
       |   |               HomePage.html
       |   |               HomePage.java
       |   |               WicketApplication.java

       |   |
       |   +---resources
       |   |       log4j.properties
       |   |
       |   \---webapp
       |       \---WEB-INF
       |               web.xml


I understand that parallell "normal source" and "test source" directory
structures is a good thing. However, do you see an advantage in having
/src/main/(java|resources|webapp)/* and /src/test/* ? Why not just have
/src/* , /resources/* , /webapp/* and /test/* and flatten the hierarchy a
bit? What do you use that indirection for?

My last question is how do you integration Spring and Wicket? As there are
several ways I'm in search of some previous experience from people who have
used these two frameworks together.

To sum up my mail in three questions:

1. Do you recommend that I use some kind of quick start method? And if so,
which one?
2. Why have main and test under the project root, and not src (alias main) ,
resources, webapp and test? (It's only four directories.)
3. How do you recommend that I integrate Spring and Wicket?

MANY thanks for reading!

Best regards,
Kent Larsson

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