Check out one of the many examples in Wicket Stuff, for instance, the YUI

You can also see what Nino has just been working on in the past couple of
days with this:

Basically, you'll just need to include the JS file (i.e. jQuery, etc) with a
ResourceReference, and then create a behavior (for example, extend
AbstractBehavior) that adds the appropriate JS code to the page to add
jQuery (or other) components / behaviors to your Wicket components.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 8:15 PM, tabiul mahmood <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to know more about how can I go about integrating wicket with
> one of the popular javascript framework (Dojo or jQuery). We would like to
> use the standard wicket component and flavour the component with the JS. I
> want to avoid writing wicket component extension. I am aware that there is
> Ajax based Wicket component but how can I go about adding my own feature
> which might be lacking with the wicket Ajax component?
> If there is any sample that I can refer to that would be helpful
> Thanks
> --
> Regards,
> Tabiul Mahmood

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