It's a good idea, but I believe it would be difficult to implement in IDEA.
>From my experience, writing a plugin for IDEA is tedious and very labor
intensive since there are few docs and little support from Jetbrains.  They
don't seem motivated to support their plugin framework.

That said, if I can ever figure out why my Wicket plugin isn't working, I'll
be sure to look into refactoring support. :)

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:57 AM, Daniele Dellafiore <>wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I am thinking about how could be useful to have a feature like the one
> I am going to describe. I would like to receive feedback from you.
> Using wicket for a long time now, one of the most tedious task is
> "panel refactoring". I mean, often you start with some simple panel
> then it grows and you split in several panels.
> This operation is tedious becouse there is no IDE support for
> refactoring both java and html side.
> The generation/update of the java code starting from html seems to be
> useful. I figure out a couple of sceneries:
> 1. I want to create a brand new app, I spend some time with the
> designer that produce the html/css for the basic three pages of my
> first release: home, list of product and details. Really basic.
> Then I want to create the webapp based on wicket: I would like to give
> the three html pages and the css to a software that generates for me
> all the wicket panels, html and java files.
> I can act like this: after getting the files from the designer, I go
> into that and put the "wicket:id" wherever I want. So I can tell the
> magical wicket "compiler" where to create panel.
> Then I can get all my java and the corresponding wicket:panel and
> pages with extends. I guess it should be possible, technically.
> 2. I want to refactor: after the first release I need some more
> elements in my pages so the designer add the elements to html pages
> (with the wicket:id) and then I want to update my wicket files. Here
> come the trick: very probably I have added some java code to the
> panels that the "compiler" creates the first time. I want to update,
> probably I need to split some panel into 2 or 3 different panels.
> Le me think about how it should work, for a single page.
> First, we get the html/css with wicket:id· Then our wizard split it
> into all wicket pages and panels. Should be easy.
> Then we need to generate the java code. we can determine the kind of
> wicket component from the html tag: button, label, a, and so on...
> Then usually we make changes to java code, to add behavior and so on.
> Then we want to refactor, two scenario here:
> 1. arrives the new html pages from the designer
> 2. we refactor in place.
> In case 2, maybe we just need some ide support: some refactoring
> actions starting from wicket panels that affects java code. wicket
> bench offers something but nothing for refactoring and the project is
> almost dead right now.
> In case 1 is harder, I think is possible to handle automatically only
> some cases like we just have new panels where before we have a single
> one AND we still have that old one that is now a container of the new
> panels
> Well, It cannot seem that much but these are some automations that can
> be done and cover a lot of repetetive task in building a wicket app.
> In particular the first thing allow us to have a full web site
> "parsed" from a generic html page.
> What do you think? Am I getting crazy or there is something useful here?
> --
> Daniele Dellafiore
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Nick Heudecker
Professional Wicket Training & Consulting

Eventful - Intelligent Event Management

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