Hi Martijn,

So the only solution is to move the inner forms to be no longer 'inner'?


Jeremy2009 wrote:
> Hi Martijn,
> Thanks for your super-fast reply.
> According to the Wicket Ajax Debugger, it says "INFO: focus set on
> userTagsCons144" - which is the 2nd inner form's text field.  On clicking
> 'enter', is the Ajax javascript able to check which form-related object
> has the current focus and therefore decide which inner form to dispatch
> the Ajax request to?
> If not, is there any kind of work-around? 
> Would I get the same problem if the inner forms were not nested?
> Many thanks,
> Jeremy
> Martijn Dashorst wrote:
>> According to me this is a browser thing, nothing Wicket can do
>> anything about (without registering which field has focus, and sending
>> that with the form, detecting that the default submit was triggered by
>> pressing enter, figuring out which form was actually meant, etc.
>> Martijn
>> On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Jeremy2009 <jscol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have searched theforums for a similar situation but can't seem to find
>>> anything.
>>> I have a complicated panel that consists of an outer form that contains
>>> 2
>>> inner forms:
>>> a) The outer form has an AjaxSubmitLink with an onSubmit() that gets
>>> fired
>>> as expected.
>>> b) Each inner form has its own AjaxSubmitLink that allows the user to
>>> enter
>>> specific text which then gets added to the panel.
>>> All 3 forms have unique wicket id's.
>>> My problem is that when the user presses 'enter' in either of the 2
>>> inner
>>> forms, the onSubmit of the 1st inner form always fires!  The wicket Ajax
>>> Debugger confirms that the 2nd inner form has focus, but that the 1st
>>> inner
>>> form is the target of the submit request!  I would expect that the 2nd
>>> inner
>>> form be the target.  If i comment out the 1st inner form, then the 2nd
>>> inner
>>> form's onSubmit fires as expected.
>>> The inner forms are created by a subclass since all that changes is the
>>> name
>>> of the wicket components inside each form so no need to duplicate the
>>> code.
>>> Here's my code for the inner forms:
>>> i) JAVA:
>>>                final Form tagsForm = new Form("userTypedTags" +
>>> tagType);
>>>                AjaxSubmitLink link = new
>>> AjaxSubmitLink("onReturnSubmitTags"+tagType,
>>> tagsForm) {
>>>                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>>>                        @Override
>>>                        public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target,
>>> Form tagsForm) {
>>>                                LOGGER.info("**** in AjaxSubmitLink's
>>> onsubmit for tagType: " +
>>> tagType);
>>>                addSelectedTag(selectedTags,
>>> tagText.getModelObjectAsString());
>>>                tagText.setModelObject("");
>>>                target.addComponent(selectedContainer);
>>>                target.addComponent(tagsForm);
>>>                        }
>>>                };
>>>                tagsForm.add(link);
>>>                tagsForm.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>>>                add(tagsForm);
>>> ii) HTML for one of the subclasses that requires a form to be created
>>> for
>>> 'Pros' text (the 2nd subclass creates a form for 'Cons' text):
>>> <wicket:extend>
>>>        <form wicket:id="userTypedTagsPros">
>>>                <input type="text" wicket:id="userTagsPros"
>>> class="text"/>
>>>                <input type="submit" wicket:id="onReturnSubmitTagsPros"
>>> style="display:
>>> none;">
>>>        </form>
>>> </wicket:extend>
>>> Have you seen anything similar?
>>> Many thanks for your time,
>>> Jeremy
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/Nested-inner-forms%2C-each-with-their-own-AjaxSubmitLink%2C-but-only-the-1st-onSubmit-ever-gets-called-tp21331944p21331944.html
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