yes, i'm happy to agree to review your book.

Jonathan Locke wrote:
> yes, but it would still be a similar approach. wow is not public yet, but
> you could be a reviewer of my book if you want (when i'm ready, which may
> be a few weeks to months).
> alexander.elsholz wrote:
>> hi jon,
>> i didnt have the expectation to generate the frontend-pages based on a
>> java-pojo component and bind it directly to a jpa-session. i just look
>> for a way to use layout-templates - so i don't have to code the same
>> html-code for every webpage. i want to create a form-based approach. i
>> will have a look on the code of the two frameworks so i can reuse some
>> aspects (to generate dynamicly html-components).
>> i dont find your WOW (what a name;-) do you have a svnrepo?
>> thanks alex
>> Jonathan Locke wrote:
>>> i don't really understand what you are looking for, but it sounds like
>>> your problem is solvable with some (possibly considerable) effort on
>>> your part (depending on what exactly you want). 
>>> you should be able to implement some flavor of layout management with
>>> panels (although other possibilities exist such as some kind of
>>> decorator pattern involving panels or even using behaviors to place
>>> elements on the client side), e.g. ColumnLayout extends Panel, etc.  
>>> driving layouts like this from metadata about your model is the goal of
>>> my WOW project (wicket on wheels or wicket on wings, haven't totally
>>> decided yet) which is part of my "26 wicket tricks" book. it is also
>>> already implemented in some flavor in wicket-rad and Wicket Web Beans.
>>> in fact, now that you phrase it this way i'm thinking of changing my
>>> package naming from "view" to "layout". it's more accurate.
>>>        jon
>>> alexander.elsholz wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i read some discussions about using layoutmanagers in wicket like swing
>>>> or gwt.
>>>> i agree with some arguments like "loosing flexibility in layouting", 
>>>> "the majority of them tend to look the same" or "verbosing the javacode
>>>> with layout-information like position, bg-color and so on".
>>>> but for business-applications using rich internet technologies with a
>>>> lot of pages manipulating business-objects you want to have a
>>>> consistent layout for a group of pages. you want to define a central
>>>> template for this pages.
>>>> makup inheritence and css-layouting is a first step, but you can't
>>>> control the content-part.
>>>> the way i see it in a enterprise application you can control 80% of the
>>>> pages with a handful layout-definitions. the other 20% you want to have
>>>> the flexibility you described. 
>>>> has someone an idea to design a template-approach creating dynamicly
>>>> html-elements from a metadata-repository with using an existing
>>>> layouttemplate-definition i described above with wicket?
>>>> thannks alex

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