Dear all,
I try to show and focus on a text field when clicking on a link. The
focus however doesn't work. I tried to follow an example in cwiki
but I somehow do something wrong. I tried to add some javascript
attribute via AttributeAppender, but then I get a null pointer exception
in onClick ("target is null"). When I comment that line out (so don't
add the Attribute), everything works fine except that focus doesn't work.
Any help appreciated.
Thanks a lot
Here's my code:
in a WebMarkupContainer:
link.add(new AttributeAppender("onClick", new
Model("getElementById('"+textfield.getMarkupId()+ "').onFocus();"), ";"));
in my custom Link Class:
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target)
void showFormThatContainsTextField(AjaxRequestTarget target)
// toggle the visibility
// redraw the add container.
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