Do you find out what exactly is the problem and solution, I ran into the same

thanks in advance!

Dan Kaplan-3 wrote:
> The most important part of this is probably HOW I update the model.  I am
> using AJAX.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Kaplan [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 11:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: Wizard seems to cache pages even on model change
> Hello,
> Here is my scenario.  I have a 2 page Wizard.  The first page asks you to
> type in the primary key of a table.  If that row already exists in the
> table, the second page gets loaded with the rest of that row's data.  So,
> in
> summary, the first page of the wizard should be able to populate the
> second
> page.  
> But here's my problem: The first page only populates the 2nd page if I
> haven't visited the second page yet.  If, on the second page, I click the
> "previous" button and then pick a new primary key, when I visit the 2nd
> page
> again, the input fields are not updated.  I've used the debugger to see
> that
> the Model Object *is* being updated.
> I can't figure out why this is happening.  I only use PropertyModels
> (those
> are dynamic models, right?).  I can only guess that the Wizard serializes
> the steps you've visited and doesn't check if the model has changed when
> you
> go back to them.
> One last thing that may be revealing: One of the things that second page
> displays is a listview of fields.  If the second primary key I pick has
> more
> items in the list than the first one, the extra items do get populated on
> the page.  IE: First pk has 3 items.  Second pk has 4 items.  The second
> page will have the correct 4th item in the list but the first 3 will be of
> the first pk.
> Here is my code in a pastebin:
> Here is my code inlined into the email:
> package com.haverlocke.tellah.web.component;
> import com.haverlocke.tellah.model.dao.WebsiteDao;
> import com.haverlocke.tellah.model.dao.WebsiteHistoryDao;
> import com.haverlocke.tellah.model.dto.LinkDto;
> import com.haverlocke.tellah.model.dto.WebsiteDto;
> import com.haverlocke.tellah.web.model.TellahUrlValidator;
> import;
> import com.haverlocke.tellah.web.util.SimilarWebsiteUtil;
> import com.haverlocke.tellah.web.component.recaptcha.ReCaptchaPanel;
> import net.databinder.components.AjaxOnKeyPausedUpdater;
> import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
> import org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.form.AjaxButton;
> import org.apache.wicket.behavior.HeaderContributor;
> import org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.Wizard;
> import org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.WizardModel;
> import org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.WizardStep;
> import;
> import;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextArea;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel;
> import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel;
> import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
> import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean;
> import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
> import org.apache.wicket.Component;
> import java.util.List;
> /**
>  * @author Daniel Kaplan
>  * @since 7.10.5
>  */
> public class SubmitWizard extends Wizard {
>     private static final String PUBLIC_DEV = "fake";
>     private static final String PRIVATE_DEV = "fake";
>     @SpringBean
>     private WebsiteDao websiteDao;
>     @SpringBean
>     private WebsiteHistoryDao websiteHistoryDao;
>     private WebsiteDto websiteDto = new WebsiteDto();
>     private Label note;
>     private String noteString;
>     private boolean insert;
>     public SubmitWizard(String id, PageParameters pp) {
>         super(id, false);
>         insert = pp.getString("websiteName") == null ||
> "".equals(pp.getString("websiteName"));
>         WizardModel model = new WizardModel();
>         model.add(new WebsiteName());
>         WebsiteDetails websiteDetails = new WebsiteDetails();
>         model.add(websiteDetails);
>         init(model);
>         websiteDetails.addReCaptchaPanel();
>         initPage(pp.getString("websiteName"));
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void onFinish() {
>         new WizardFinishedAction(new PropertyModel(this, "websiteDto"),
> getPage()).onSubmit();
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void onCancel() {
>         setRedirect(true);
>         setResponsePage(HomePage.class);
>     }
>     @Override
>     protected FeedbackPanel newFeedbackPanel(String id) {
>         return new FeedbackPanel(id, new IFeedbackMessageFilter() {
>             public boolean accept(FeedbackMessage message) {
>                 //never show anything.  We show all messages in a
> different
> panel defined in the
>                 return false;
>             }
>         });
>     }
>     private class WebsiteName extends WizardStep {
>         public WebsiteName() {
>             add(HeaderContributor.forCss("images/submit.css"));
>             if (insert) {
>                 add(new Label("formHeader", "Set the name"));
>             } else {
>                 add(new Label("formHeader", "Edit the name"));
>             }
>             TextField name = new TextField("name", new
> PropertyModel(websiteDto, "name"));
>             add(name.setRequired(true).add(new WebsiteLoadBehavior()));
>             note = new Label("note", new PropertyModel(SubmitWizard.this,
> "noteString"));
>             add(note.setOutputMarkupId(true));
>         }
>     }
>     private class WebsiteDetails extends WizardStep {
>         public WebsiteDetails() {
>             add(HeaderContributor.forCss("images/submit.css"));
>             if (insert) {
>                 add(new Label("formHeader", "Set the details"));
>             } else {
>                 add(new Label("formHeader", "Edit the details"));
>             }
>             TextField url = new TextField("url", new
> PropertyModel(websiteDto, "url"));
>             add(url.add(new TellahUrlValidator(new String[]{"http",
> "https"}))
>                     .setOutputMarkupId(true));
>             TextArea idea = new TextArea("idea", new
> PropertyModel(websiteDto, "whatItDoes"));
>             add(idea.setOutputMarkupId(true));
>             TextArea revenueSource = new TextArea("revenueSource", new
> PropertyModel(websiteDto, "revenueSource"));
>             add(revenueSource.setOutputMarkupId(true));
>             TagArea tagArea = new TagArea("tags", websiteDto);
>             add(tagArea.setOutputMarkupId(true));
>             AjaxButton addSimilarButton = new AjaxButton("addSimilar") {
>                 protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form
> form)
> {
>                     SubmitWizard.this.websiteDto.getSimilarTos().add("");
>                     target.addComponent(form);
>                 }
>             };
> add(addSimilarButton.setDefaultFormProcessing(false).setOutputMarkupId(true)
> );
>             SimilarToList similarToList = new
> SimilarToList("similarToList",
> new PropertyModel(websiteDto, "similarTos"));
>             add(similarToList.setOutputMarkupId(true));
>             AjaxButton addLinkButton = new AjaxButton("addLink") {
>                 protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form
> form)
> {
>                     SubmitWizard.this.websiteDto.getLinks().add(new
> LinkDto());
>                     target.addComponent(form);
>                 }
>             };
> add(addLinkButton.setDefaultFormProcessing(false).setOutputMarkupId(true));
>             LinkList linkList = new LinkList("linkList", new
> PropertyModel(websiteDto, "links"));
>             add(linkList.setRenderBodyOnly(true));
>             WebsiteHistoryPanel websiteHistoryPanel = new
> WebsiteHistoryPanel("websiteHistoryPanel", new PropertyModel(this,
> "websiteDto"));
>             add(websiteHistoryPanel.setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true));
> websiteHistoryPanel.setVisible(websiteHistoryDao.isHistory(websiteDto.getNam
> e()));
>         }
>         /**
>          * We need to do this separately from the constructor because the
> getForm()
>          * doesn't work until after Wizard#init(model); is called 
>          */
>         public void addReCaptchaPanel() {
>             add(new ReCaptchaPanel("recaptcha", false, PUBLIC_DEV,
> PRIVATE_DEV, "Invalid Captcha", getForm()));
>         }
>     }
>     private class WebsiteLoadBehavior extends AjaxOnKeyPausedUpdater {
>         protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>             initPage(websiteDto.getName());
>             target.addComponent(note);
>         }
>     }
>     private void initPage(String websiteName) {
>         if (websiteName != null) {
>             WebsiteDto ws = websiteDao.getWebsite(websiteName);
>             if (ws != null) {
>                 websiteDto.become(ws);
>             }
>         }
>         updateNoteString();
>         websiteDto.removeEmptyLinks();
>         websiteDto.getLinks().add(new LinkDto());
>         websiteDto.removeEmptySimilarTos();
>         websiteDto.getSimilarTos().add("");
>     }
>     public void updateNoteString() {
>         if (websiteDto != null && websiteDto.getName() != null) {
>             List<String> similars =
> websiteDao.getSimilarNames(websiteDto.getName());
>             noteString =
> SimilarWebsiteUtil.getSimilarWebsiteMessage(similars);
>         } else {
>             noteString = "";
>         }
>     }
>     public WebsiteDto getWebsiteDto() {
>         return websiteDto;
>     }
>     public void setWebsiteDto(WebsiteDto websiteDto) {
>         this.websiteDto = websiteDto;
>     }
>     public String getNoteString() {
>         return noteString;
>     }
>     public void setNoteString(String noteString) {
>         this.noteString = noteString;
>     }
> }
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