No, what I meant was a single tag link and a list view:

<link wicket:id="cssList"></link>

and in code:

List cssFiles= Array.asList(new String[] { "base.css", "special.css" });
add(new ListView("cssList", cssFiles) {
  public void populateItem(ListItem item) {
     String cssFile= item.getModelObjectAsString();
     item.add(new AttributeModifier("href",  new AbstractReadOnlyModel() {
        public Object getModel() {
           return <the prefix, don't know where to get it>+"/"+cssFile

this is off the top of my head, just to see if we're even on the same page.


On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 12:15 PM, uwe janner <> wrote:

> hi thomas,
> i dont really get your idea, maybe an example?
> what i did was: write the followning in the html:
> <link wicket:id="baseCss" href="base.css"/>
> .... and many more ...
> <link wicket:id="specialCss" href="special.css"/>
> and then i "repeat" myself in the page class (CssLink just puts the dynamic
> url part before the original href value):
> add( new CssLink("baseCss"));
> ... and many more ...
> add( new CssLink("specialCss"));

Thomas Mäder
Wicket & Eclipse Consulting

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