That is a good point... That is the very reason why they are now trying
to push WebBeans as part of the standard profile ;o)

-----Original Message-----
From: Oleg Taranenko [] 
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Wicket at ApacheCon EU'09 in Amsterdam


some time ago (approx 1,5 year ) was attempts to marry JBoss Seam and
Wicket. Was it successful? May be this is an example, why wicket should
to be treated as a standard?


On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Hoover, William

> First of all, thank you for entertaining this idea :o)
> See comments below...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johan Compagner []
> Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 9:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Wicket at ApacheCon EU'09 in Amsterdam
> >
> > From a developers point-of-view standardization can often be a thorn

> > in our side, but for management it can offer a 
> > vendor-independent/implementation-independent solution.
> > Maintaining/upgrading infrastructure is difficult, expensive and 
> > time consuming. From the point-of-view of management a standard can 
> > often minimize the risk of vender lock-in.
> But the examples you gave me have multiply implementations. But wicket

> doesnt have multiply implementations, what would that mean?
> That we have IComponent, IRequestCycle, ISession and IApplication and 
> so on?
> And that IBM would make its own implementation of all the components 
> including the base? And JBoss and X and Y?
> Answer: They do not have multiple implementations now, but they could 
> potentially have them in the future. It would mean that other 
> communities could follow a standard and mangement could be satisfied 
> that Wicket has the backing of a recognized standard.
> There is no vendor locking for wicket.. (and all other open source web

> frameworks by the way) what is the locking?
> Answer: I agree that other frameworks that have a standard have been 
> disastrous as far as portability between implementations (such as the 
> loosly organized JSF specification), but the locking I'm referring to 
> is in realation to the vendor (Wicket in this case) from a business 
> standpoint. I for one do not have an issue with being tightly coupled 
> to Wicket, but I can see why managment may have an issue with it. A 
> question we need to ask ourselves from a management standpoit is if 
> for whatever reason we had to migrate from Wicket to another 
> framework, what revenue impact would that have on our organization in 
> doing so? If we chose a standards base solution would this minimize 
> the risk due to multiple vendor offerings?
> And wicket runs pretty much on all simple servlet containers.. Some 
> bugs in some not counting...
> So give me a concreet example what a standardized wicket would look 
> like.
> What vendor-independent/implementation-independent solutions there 
> would be then..
> Answer: This is a preliminary concept, but the Swing-like architecture

> for the web could be a starting point?
> >
> > Another thing to consider is that a broader multi-community 
> > involvement could also bread innovation. There may be other 
> > innovators
> > from other communities that may have valuable input that could 
> > improve
> > Wicket in ways that may have not been previously considered. IMHO, 
> > the
> > biggest argument for JSR/JCP is that there is often a broader
> involvement in the process.
> > Hibernate, for instance, was in a similar position a few years back 
> > when they introduced a new persistence concept. They have since 
> > become
> > heavily involved in the JPA specification process. When I first 
> > worked
> > with Hibernate, like many, I was very impressed (similar to the 
> > first time I worked with Wicket :o), but looking back at how 
> > Hiberante initially did things to how they do them now there are 
> > some huge improvements due to the JPA specification.
> >
> >
> look hibernate is an implementation of a persistence.. And they 
> adapted (and where involved) into the specifications yes Ok now 
> translate that to wicket..
> What is wicket an implementation of? a webframework? ahh.. tapestry is

> also a webframework and struts is also a webframework They all 
> implement the standard webframework spec.. which is the servlet spec..
> So
> JPA Spec == Servlet Spec
> Hibernate == Wicket
> TopLink == Tapestry
> So wicket is already in the JSR/JCP ! we are an 
> enhancement/implementation of the servlet spec :) ok ok. Maybe you 
> say.. sevlet spec implementation == servlet .jar and tomcat  ;) not 
> the thing you would build on top of that again But then if you have 
> wicket,tapestry and struts (and x and y) and then you want to define a

> Web Framework spec that all of them can adapt to what would that then 
> be? What would that then gain? Would that mean that tapestry 
> components/pages could run inside wicket?
> It is just not as easy to do as with a persistence spec. Which is 
> pretty easy because so many things kind of already work the same way 
> before they where under the same spec..
> web frameworks differ quite a bit
> Answer: Ironically, the same argument that Wicket follows the Servlet 
> specification is the same one I used in some of the dicusssions with 
> my colleagues ;o) I think there is a lot to gain in standardizing a 
> Swing-like architecture such as Wicket. The answer to your question is

> the same reason why Wicket prides itself as a truly decoupled solution

> that facilitates a true MVC2 model. As stated previously, it would 
> also gain more corporate acceptance. I think that web framework only 
> differs from other tiers because noone has come to the table with a 
> more viable solution than JSP/JSF in the past. Wicket could really set

> the precidence here. I understand the reluctance to standardize 
> Wicket. None of us want to lose anything that Wicket is offering to
the community.
> I'm just suggesting a means to broaden Wickets impact in the greater 
> java community :o)
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