> How is matching the right versions of your dependencies confusing?

I found the mentioned website and looked for the most recent version. I thought 
that this was the official and only site to get Wicket's Spring integration. 

> Did you care to take a look inside your Wicket distribution that we
> carefully crafted such that everything is available in one download
> (Wicket Ultimate)?

I must admit that I missed that. I didn't expect the Spring integration there 
for some reason. Thanks for the hint!

> I don't know where you got your wicket jar from, but if it is from the
> apache-wicket-1.4-rc2.zip then there's this LIB folder with the
> wicket-1.4-rc2.jar and *EVERY* other sub project jar. If it is from a
> Maven repository, then why are you not using Maven to manage your
> dependencies?

It is from http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/1.4-rc2 but I will use 
Maven or Ivy in the future.

Thanks for your help.


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