Guice will not always return a proxy. You should not rely on this behavior.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Andreas Petersson
<> wrote:
> Hello!
> (this post went to the guice + the wicket mailing list)
> I would really like GuiceProxyTargetLocator to have a public
> constructor. Currently it is package-access.
> Furthermore findBindingAnnotation  should be made public static
> I had to create a org.apache.wicket.guice.GuiceProxyTargetLocator2.cheat
> class + method in my codebase for  to get around the limitation.
> My usecase:
> I still had  problems using guice-injected members in serializable
> classes. Matej Knopp gave me some helpful hints on how to handle this.
> i have somewhat solved it, using GuiceProxyTargetLocator .
> AdminDao just a two - method interface of which happens to be
> implemented by a handful of DAOs. It is injected in factories, which in
> turn construct the Iterator. (not using @Inject in this case)
>    public CommonIterator(AdminDao dao) {
>        final Class<?> type = dao.getClass().getSuperclass();
>        this.dao = (AdminDao) LazyInitProxyFactory.createProxy(type,
> GuiceProxyTargetLocator2.cheat(type,null));
>    }
> Since i am not using a BindingAnnotation in this specific case, its ok
> to pass null. Otherwise, i would be forced to re-implement
> findBindingAnnotation - this could be made public static as well.
> getSuperclass() is used to determine the "true" Type of the Class,
> because initially it is wrapped in a Guice Proxy object.
> is there maybe a better - guicy- way of obtaining this information from
> the dao instance? Is it true that Guice will always return a proxy- if
> not i will end up with a Class<Object> instance, which will break
> createProxy.
> -----------
> using my approach its impossible to use CommonIterator outside of a
> wicket application ( Batch jobs) - since there i do not have a
> WicketApplication initialized. So i'm not too happy about the solution.
> This all feels messy, so i thought of how i think it could work - a more
> robust approach would be the following:
> When Guice injectes into serializable Classes and a Wicket Application
> is present, modify Guice in a way that it returns
> LazyInitProxyFactory.createProxy instances, so that i do not have to
> worry about this. I think this would be a serious change to the guice
> api, a sort of instantiationChain in the injector, in which the wicket
> app could register itself. Or is there already a mechanism in place that
> allows me to hook into the instantiation and obtian the information
> where the object is being injected into?
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