It appears that the looping problem I was having with trying to get the markup to NOT cache

was because my page was a child of another page.

In the implementation of the method getMarkupResourceStream, I was returning <wicket:extend> blah blah blan </wicket:extend>

Is this a limitation?

Thomas R. Corbin wrote:
On Sunday 15 March 2009, schapey said:
Hi All,

I don't see this post in the forum.. so I am posting again.

sometimes I just wish we were using grails.
but I am sure that would come with it's own problems.

I have a page where the markup is creating dynamically and I do not want
the markup to be cached.

I am implementing both         IMarkupResourceStreamProvider,

I'm not sure what I need to do in order for the markup not to be cached.

In one of the source files in here,

it said that if I returned null from getCacheKey that the markup would not
be cached.

When I do this I get into a loop and it keeps trying to get the markup over
and over again.

    public String getCacheKey( MarkupContainer container, Class
containerClass )
            return null;

I tried calling the clearing the cache after the page renders... but when I
do this the page won't even load.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

I am using wicket1.4rc2.


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