You don't add the child to the right component: you have wrapped the
<child/> tag inside a markup container. You have to make the markup
container a transparent resolver, *or* add the child components to the
markup container.


On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Ryan McKinley <> wrote:
> I have been using markup inheritance for page layout for a while without any
> issue.
> I just tried to use it for a Panel and am running into some issues -- I
> imagine it is user error, so i figured I would ask here before banging my
> head much longer.
> I have two classes:
> public class SimpleRow extends Panel
> {
>  public SimpleRow(String id )
>  {
>    ...
>   }
> }
> SimpleRow.html
> <table>
> <wicket:panel>
> <tr valign="top">
>  <td width="60">
>   <img wicket:id="img" src="img/explore.gif" />
>  </td>
>  <td wicket:id="td" valign="top">
>   <h2 wicket:id="title">Title</h2>
>   <wicket:child/>
>  </td>
> </tr>
> </wicket:panel>
> </table>
> - - - - - - - - - -
> Then I want a subclass to fill in content for <wicket:child/>
> public class ExportRow extends SimpleRow
> {
>  public ExportRow(String id)
>  {
>    super( id );
>    add( new Label( "test", "hello" ) );
>  }
> }
> ExportRow.html
> <wicket:extend>
> Here is some text <span wicket:id="test">xxx</span>
> </wicket:extend>
> - - - - - -  -
> With this, I get an errror:
> Unable to find component with id 'test' in [MarkupContainer [Component id =
> _extend8]] ...
> If I do not try to add any components in the subclass, things behave as I
> would expect.
> Am I missing something?
> Thanks
> ryan

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