
Although I think its too late to stop this thread growing, you should all know that we just had this argument a few weeks ago!
It seems to be a touchy subject for some :)

The old thread can be found by searching for "Re: How can I share text resources with multiple web applications?".

The summary is:
- Some like their resources where Maven suggests you put them, in the resources directory. - Some follow the so called "The Official Wicket Way" which is not actually published anywhere. In it, the resources are in the java source directory.

There are good arguments for both and I'd even agree that both are valid (I prefer my resources in the Maven pattern, but the other pattern is also good practice).

I don't know about the attitudes of the Maven committers but in Wicket there seems to be a "my way is the right way" kind of thing going on (evident on the final methods all over the framework and failure to accommodate other resource usage patterns).

All that said, as long as each camp can do what they feel most comfortable with, I don't think it really matters. Wicket is the most refreshing framework to be developed in years, with luck it doesn't go away and leave us working on something as terrible as Webflow.

- Brill

On 2-Apr-09, at 3:34 PM, Philippe Marschall wrote:

James Carman wrote:
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Philippe Marschall <> wrote:
Well there's a reason these folders are called java.

Yes, but it's not specifically "illegal" in the maven world to put
non-java files in there (didn't we have this argument a few days ago).

You simply relied on a bug / undocumented featured. Move your resources
where the belong into the resources folder.


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