Also, forgot to say thanks everyone!
Branden Tanga
Programmer / EHR Systems Engineer

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Branden Tanga <>wrote:

> That was it! I guess I should get into the habit of managing maven and then
> "pushing" those changes out to eclipse with a mvn clean then a mvn eclipse.
> Thanks,
> Branden Tanga
> Programmer / EHR Systems Engineer
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Daan van Etten <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Maven should handle your dependencies. Have you added the wicket
>> extensions dependency to your pom.xml?
>> Add this to the 'dependencies' tag of your pom.xml. The Wicket dependency
>> should already be there.
>>        <dependency>
>>            <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>>            <artifactId>wicket-extensions</artifactId>
>>            <version>1.3.5</version>
>>        </dependency>
>> Change the 'version' according to which version of Wicket you use.
>> Eclipse should add Wicket extensions to your classpath when you have this
>> dependency. (maybe with a mvn clean eclipse command)
>> Regards,
>> Daan van Etten
>> Op 8 apr 2009, om 12:49 heeft Branden Tanga het volgende geschreven:
>>  Ok, I've been racking my brain for the past few days, and I still cannot
>>> solve this.
>>> I've even added wicket-extensions.jar to my .m2/repository and rebuilt my
>>> eclipse project with the mvn clean and mvn eclipse commands given in the
>>> wicket quickstart. When I open up my eclipse project, under m2_repo I can
>>> find my wicket-extensions.jar
>>> I still get a noclassdeffound runtime error for AbstractTab. It seems as
>>> if
>>> the classpath that eclipse uses for compiling has nothing to do with the
>>> classpath that wicket uses at runtime. How can I print my classpath from
>>> within wicket?
>>> (note: I've already added the directory that contains
>>> wicket-extensions.jar
>>> to my classpath variable in my .bash_profile, still the same runtime
>>> error).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Branden Tanga
>>> Programmer / EHR Systems Engineer
>>> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 1:24 AM, <
>>>> wrote:
>>>  Hi.
>>>> Seems like you're missing a jar file. The
>>>> "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError"
>>>> means just what it sais. The class can not be found in the classpath.
>>>> It has nothing to do whether the class is abstract or not.
>>>> /Jörgen
>>>> Branden Tanga skrev:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> I'm trying to follow the examples given on for
>>>>> TabbedPanel
>>>>> here:
>>>>> My code compiles fine, but when I run it I get a noclassdeffound error
>>>>> for
>>>>> AbstractTab. Here's my snippet of code:
>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage;
>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.tabs.*;
>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs.*;
>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.*;
>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.model.*;
>>>>> import java.util.*;
>>>>> public class MainMenu extends WebPage{
>>>>> /*Constructor*/
>>>>> public MainMenu() {
>>>>> List<ITab> tabs = new ArrayList<ITab>();
>>>>> tabs.add(new AbstractTab(new Model("first tab")) {
>>>>> @Override
>>>>> public Panel getPanel(String panelID) {
>>>>> return new MyPanel(panelID);
>>>>> }
>>>>> });
>>>>> } // end constructor
>>>>> and here's the corresponding runtime error:
>>>>> WicketMessage: Method onFormSubmitted of interface
>>>>> org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IFormSubmitListener targeted at
>>>>> component [MarkupContainer [Component id = loginForm]] threw an
>>>>> exception
>>>>> Root cause:
>>>>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>>>> org/apache/wicket/extensions/markup/html/tabs/AbstractTab
>>>>>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
>>>>>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
>>>>> This makes sense, as you can't directly instantiate an abstract class
>>>>> right?
>>>>> You have to extend it and then implement the subclass. But I am
>>>>> following
>>>>> the code example as closely as I can, and I still do not understand
>>>>> what I
>>>>> am doing wrong.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Branden Tanga
>>>>> Programmer / EHR Systems Engineer
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