Try add TinyMceAjaxSubmitModifier to your submit button


tubin gen wrote:
I am trying to make my text editor (text area )  to rich text eitors
  using timymce.First I tried wicket timymce behaviour , the problem
is the  tinymce java scriopt is repalce my textarea html with an

this  is my html , but the   style="display: none;" is added by tinymce
<textarea maxlength="4000" cols="120" rows="8"
name="reassignmentComments" wicket:id="reassignmentComments"
id="reassignmentComments" style="display: none;"/>

and code generated by tinymce is   lot,  but the problem is it uses
iframe and because of  which the textarea value is not posted to my
form   , please help me integrating tinymce

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