For issue 1: Just google: "are you sure you want to navigate away from this 
2: Here is the OnSubmit method:
    form.add(new Button("search") {
        public void onSubmit() {
            Volunteer volunteer = (Volunteer) getForm().getModelObject();
  "@@@@@@@ Volunteer: @@@@@@@" + volunteer.toString());
Should I explicitly set the response back to the page that launched the modal 
3. Can somebody please tell how to communicate between the page and the modal 

--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Manuel Corrales <> wrote:

From: Manuel Corrales <>
Subject: Re: ModalWindows...
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 4:13 PM

Can you give us more information? 1. I am not familiar with any popup when
you are closing a modal window. Can you be more specific or show some code?
2. What's your code inside the onSubmit method?


On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Vidhya Kailash <>wrote:

> I am newbie and apologize if this has been answered multiple times... but
> googling didnt help! have a few questions with the modalwindow:
> 1. How do I disable the popup that comes on click inside the modal window:
> "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page"?
> 2. Submit from a Form inside the modal window (which is a panel) takes the
> user back to the homepage instead of the page that launched the window...
> what could be wrong?
> many thanks


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