Thanks, your suggestion works like a charm.
I like the technique of using abstract method, you have a Swing development
background, right?
Thanks again.

Mathias P.W Nilsson wrote:
> I don't know if you can remove one row and just update the row as you can
> with TreeTable but maybe some here could guide you.
> If it is good enough to update the whole table then maybe somthing like
> this. this is typed from my head so there may be errors.
> public abstract DeleteContactPanel extends Panel{
>   public DeleteContactPanel(String id, final Contact contact) {               
>     super(id); 
>     setOutputMarkupId(true); 
>     final Form form = new Form("form"); 
>     form.add(new AjaxSubmitLink("delete") { 
>       @Override 
>       protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target,  Form form) { 
>         service.deleteContact(contact); 
>         onDelete( target );
>       System.out.println("OK Deleted"); 
>       } 
>     }); 
>     add(form); 
>   } 
>   public abstract void onDelete( AjaxrequestTarget target );
> }
> final List<IColumn> columns = new ArrayList<IColumn>();
> columns.add(new AbstractColumn(new Model("Delete")) {
>   public void populateItem(Item cellItem, String componentId, IModel
> rowModel) {
>     Contact contact = ((Contact) rowModel.getObject());
>     cellItem.add(new  DeleteContactPanel(componentId, contact){
>       public void onDelete( AjaxRequestTarget target ){
>         // Add table here and show flashmessage
>         info( "Row deleted" );
>         target.addComponent( feedback );
>         target.addComponent( datatable );
>       }
>     });
>   }
> });

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