Could anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? My code compiles just fine, but I get a runtime exception saying that the Publisher class doesn't have a publisher attribute. (Which is correct, it has a name and an id attribute.) What should I change to make it get name from Publisher instead? (Or get publisher from BookListData?)

Here's the HTML:
   <html xmlns:wicket>
      <form wicket:id="filterform">
         <table wicket:id="datatable">

And here's the Java code:

   BookListProvider booklistProvider = new BookListProvider();
AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable<?> table = new AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable("datatable", createColumns(), booklistProvider, 10);
   FilterForm form = new FilterForm("filterform", booklistProvider);
table.addBottomToolbar(new FilterToolbar(table, form, booklistProvider)); add(form);

   private IColumn<?>[] createColumns() {
       IColumn<?>[] columns = new IColumn[6];
columns[0] = new PropertyColumn<String>(new Model<String>("ISBN"), "isbn", "isbn"); columns[1] = new PropertyColumn<String>(new Model<String>("Title"), "title", "title"); columns[2] = new PropertyColumn<ArrayList<Author>>(new Model<String>("Author"), "authors"); columns[3] = new ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn(new Model<String>("Publisher"), "name", "publisher", createPublisherModel()); columns[4] = new PropertyColumn<Subgenre>(new Model<String>("Subgenre"), "subgenre", "subgenre"); columns[5] = new PropertyColumn<Language>(new Model<String>("Language"), "language", "language");
       return columns;
private IModel<List<Publisher>> createPublisherModel() { IModel<List<Publisher>> publisherModel = new LoadableDetachableModel<List<Publisher>>() {
           private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

           protected List<Publisher> load() {
               List<Publisher> publishers = null;
               DataRetriever dataRetriever = null;
               try {
                   dataRetriever = new DataRetriever();
                   publishers = dataRetriever.fetchPublishers();
               } catch (Exception e) {
                   error("abbreviated error handling");
               return publishers;
       return publisherModel;

public class BookListProvider extends SortableDataProvider<BookListData> implements IFilterStateLocator {
   private final transient List<BookListData> list;
   private Publisher publisherFilter = new Publisher();

Linda van der Pal wrote:
Are there any good examples out there that show how to use ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn and FilterToolbar? I've already looked at wicket-phonebook, ut for some reason the FilterToolbar they use doesn't require the FilterForm as an argument, whereas that is required. They probably use an older version of Wicket, as I'm using 1.4-rc2.


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