add(new Label("appTitle", new ResourceModel("your.title.key"));

also, change your html:
<title wicket:id="appTitle">this will be replaced</title>

Of course, if you don't use markup inheritance, you'll need to repeat
this throughout each page.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Shelah Horvitz
<> wrote:
> I want to internationalize the title of my application, so that I would get 
> its value from a properties file, and the HTML would look something like:
> <head>
>  <title><span wicket:id="appTitle"></span></title>
> </head>
> It doesn't look like I can use a header contributor to do this sort of thing, 
> so how is it done?
> Thanks for your help.
> Shelah

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