assertLabel is looking for a top-level label component with wicket:id
"label" and it's not finding one.  You'll need to post Index.html if
you want me to tell you why, but I'm guessing you could look at
Index.html and see if it has a "message" label contained by no other
wicket components, and also whether is still adding that
label to the page.

You need to stop and think about the exception you're getting.  Step
through it in the debugger.  What's it telling you?


2009/5/10 Tomáš Mihok <>:
> Thank you for your reply,
> I just chcecked the test but it seems OK
> public void testRenderMyPage()
>   {
>       //start and render the test page
>       tester.startPage(Index.class);
>       //assert rendered page class
>       tester.assertRenderedPage(Index.class);
>       //assert rendered label component
>       tester.assertLabel("message", "If you see this message wicket is
> properly configured and running");
>   }
> as I have used Refactor to rename HomePage to Index. Soyou think this might
> be the problem?
> tm
> Clint Popetz  wrote / napísal(a):
>> It looks like you are using the standard wicket quickstart archetype,
>> and you've changed the HomePage (or perhaps deleted it entirely) but
>> haven't altered the corresponding sample test in
>> src/test/java/**/, which is expecting to find the
>> Label that the default quickstart puts in HomePage.{java,html}.
>> -Clint
>> 2009/5/10 Tomáš Mihok <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I currently made this simple tab application just to try out how things
>>> work. I created and .html files. Java contains basicaly this:
>>> public Index(final PageParameters parameters) {
>>>      tabs.add(new AbstractTab(new Model("Index")) {
>>>          public Panel getPanel(String panelID) {
>>>              return new IndexPlugin(panelID);
>>>          }
>>>      });
>>> where IndexPlugin is reusable component (panel). Its purpose is to
>>> display
>>> text.
>>> This is how IndexPlugin.html looks like:
>>> ...
>>> <wicket:panel>
>>> IT WORKS!!!!
>>> </wicket:panel>
>>> ...
>>> but when I build the project this is the output:
>>> [ERROR]Mojo:
>>> [ERROR]    org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.4.2:test
>>> [ERROR]FAILED for project:
>>> [ERROR]    cnl.qos:QoSWebInterface:war:0.1
>>> [ERROR]Reason:
>>> [ERROR]There are test failures.
>>> [ERROR]Please refer to
>>> D:\Projects\QoSWebInterface\target\surefire-reports
>>> for the individual test results.
>>> and link points that error is in test.assertLabel() method in
>>> Am I dong something wrong?
>>> tm
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Clint Popetz
Scalable Web Application Development

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