Thanks that worked... although its a bit of a pain in the behind :)

- Brill Pappin

On 11-May-09, at 6:55 AM, nino martinez wael wrote:

You do something like this:

// compound model
        private final IModel<String> cityModel = new PropertyModel<String>(
                        searchWrapper, "cityId");

ObjectAutoCompleteSelectionChangeListener<String>() {
                                        public void 
selectionChanged(AjaxRequestTarget target,
                                                        IModel<String> model) {

So it does not update on submit, but instead onSelectionChange of the builder..

2009/5/11 Brill Pappin <>:
I'm trying to use ObjectAutoComplete from wicketstuff on a form where the
model is a CompoundPropertyModel.

The auto compete field doesn't seem to be setting its value on the form
model at all during a submit.

I've looked at the examples for this component and not a single one actually
includes the onSubmit implementation.
Is there something special i have to do with this component?

- Brill Pappin

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