 I'm using a ListView of links limited to only 5 links, an AjaxFallbackLink 
(showMore) that will remove the limitation, and another AjaxFallbackLink 
(showLess) that will enable the limitation. 
  Works fine on every browser except IE6. On IE6, after the user presses 
showMore link, the list will expand, but the links are frosen(I can see them, 
can not click on them).
  The code looks like this:

    in html:
   <span wicket:id="listContainer">
 <span wicket:id="linksList">
 <p><a href="#" wicket:id="link"><span 
    <span wicket:id="showMoreSpan"><a href="#" wicket:id="showMoreLink"><span 
    <span wicket:id="showLessSpan"><a href="#" wicket:id="showLessLink"><span 

  in java:
    final AjaxFallbackLink showLessLink = new AjaxLink("showLessLink") 
 public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) 
 showLessLink.add(new Label("showLess", "<<less"));
 final AjaxFallbackLink showMoreLink = new AjaxLink("showMoreLink") 
  public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) 
 showMoreLink.add(new Label("showMore", "more>>"));
 final WebMarkupContainer showLessSpan = new WebMarkupContainer("showLessSpan");
 final WebMarkupContainer showMoreSpan = new WebMarkupContainer("showMoreSpan");

    After the first ajax request(by clicking on "showMore" link), the 
"showLess" link is displayed, but frozen. The same results is when I'm using 
    I am using wicket 1.4 rc2.
    Can please someone help me?


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