<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>

i just add that in my basepage to works on IE7...i couldn't have imagine
that this line of code saves me a lot.

NHSoft.YHW wrote:
> ModalWindow can not appear in IE 6.x, but Firefox 3.x has no problem.
> In IE 6.x, when click show ModalWindow link, the server side code invoke,
> but the browser not show the modalwindow.  ajax debug message detail as
> follow:
> INFO: focus removed from wicket-generated-id-120
> INFO: focus set on showModal233
> INFO: 
> INFO: Initiating Ajax GET request on
> ?wicket:interface=:2:homeTabs:panel:shopDetailPanel:wmcModalWindow:showModal2::IBehaviorListener:0:-1&random=0.702769703404648
> INFO: Invoking pre-call handler(s)...
> INFO: Received ajax response (6568 characters)
> INFO: 
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ajax-response><header-contribution
> encoding="wicket1" ><![CDATA[<head
> xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org";><script type="text/javascript"
> src="resources/org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WicketEventReference/wicket-event.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript"
> src="resources/org.apache.wicket.ajax.WicketAjaxReference/wicket-ajax.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript"
> src="resources/org.apache.wicket.ajax.AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior/wicket-ajax-debug.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript"
> id="wicket-ajax-debug-enable"><!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/
> wicketAjaxDebugEnable=true;
> /*-->]^]^>*/</script>
> <script type="text/javascript"
> src="resources/org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow/res/modal.js"></script>
> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> href="resources/org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow/res/modal.css"
> /> 
> <script type="text/javascript"
> src="resources/org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.YuiLib/yuiloader-beta.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" ><!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/
> var e = Wicket.$('date44Dp'); if (e != null && typeof(e.parentNode) !=
> 'undefined' && typeof(e.parentNode.parentNode != 'undefined'))
> e.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(e.parentNode);
> /*-->]^]^>*/</script>
> </head>]]></header-contribution><component id="modal231" ><![CDATA[<div
> id="modal231" style="display:none">
>     <div id="content32">
>     <div style="margin: 1em">
>         This is panel content! 
>         <p>
>             Date text field to demonstrate AJAX header contribution 
>     <input id="date44"
> name="homeTabs:panel:shopDetailPanel:wmcModalWindow:modal2:content:dateTimeField:date"
> value="" type="text" size="8"/>
> &nbsp;
> resources/org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DatePicker/icon1.gif 
>     <input
> name="homeTabs:panel:shopDetailPanel:wmcModalWindow:modal2:content:dateTimeField:hours"
> value="" type="text" size="2"/>&nbsp;:
>     <input
> name="homeTabs:panel:shopDetailPanel:wmcModalWindow:modal2:content:dateTimeField:minutes"
> value="" type="text" size="2"/>
>     <select
> name="homeTabs:panel:shopDetailPanel:wmcModalWindow:modal2:content:dateTimeField:amOrPmChoice">
> <option selected="selected" value="0">AM</option>
> <option value="1">PM</option>
> </select>
>         </p>
>     </div>
> </div>
> </div>]]></component><evaluate encoding="wicket1"><![CDATA[/*
>  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
>  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
>  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
>  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
>  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
>  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
>  *
>  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
>  *
>  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
>  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
> implied.
>  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
>  * limitations under the License.
>  */
> if (typeof wicketCalendarInits == 'undefined') {
>     wicketCalendarInits = new Array();
>     wicketCalendarInitFinished = false;
> }
> initdate44 = function() {
>     Wicket.DateTime.init( {
>         widgetId: "date44",
>         componentId: "date44",                
>         calendarInit: {
> MONTHS_SHORT:["\u4E00\u6708","\u4E8C\u6708","\u4E09\u6708","\u56DB\u6708","\u4E94\u6708","\u516D\u6708","\u4E03\u6708","\u516B\u6708","\u4E5D\u6708","\u5341\u6708","\u5341\u4E00\u6708","\u5341\u4E8C\u6708"]^,START_WEEKDAY:0,MONTHS_LONG:["\u4E00\u6708","\u4E8C\u6708","\u4E09\u6708","\u56DB\u6708","\u4E94\u6708","\u516D\u6708","\u4E03\u6708","\u516B\u6708","\u4E5D\u6708","\u5341\u6708","\u5341\u4E00\u6708","\u5341\u4E8C\u6708"]^,iframe:false,WEEKDAYS_MEDIUM:["\u65E5","\u4E00","\u4E8C","\u4E09","\u56DB","\u4E94","\u516D"]^,WEEKDAYS_1CHAR:["\u65E5","\u4E00","\u4E8C","\u4E09","\u56DB","\u4E94","\u516D"]^,WEEKDAYS_LONG:["\u661F\u671F\u65E5","\u661F\u671F\u4E00","\u661F\u671F\u4E8C","\u661F\u671F\u4E09","\u661F\u671F\u56DB","\u661F\u671F\u4E94","\u661F\u671F\u516D"]^,close:true,WEEKDAYS_SHORT:["\u65E5","\u4E00","\u4E8C","\u4E09","\u56DB","\u4E94","\u516D"]^
> },
>         datePattern: "yy-M-d",
>         alignWithIcon: true,
>         fireChangeEvent: true,
>         hideOnSelect: true
>     });
> };
> if (wicketCalendarInitFinished) {
>     // when a DatePicker is added via ajax, the loader is already
> finished, so
>     // we call the init function directly.
>     initdate44();
> } else {
>     // when page is rendered, all calendar components will be initialized
> after
>     // the required js libraries have been loaded.
>     wicketCalendarInits.push(initdate44);
> }
> if (typeof wicketYuiLoader == 'undefined')    {
>     wicketYuiLoader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader({
>         base: "resources/org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.YuiLib/", 
>         allowRollup: true,
>         require: ["wicket-date"]^,        
>         onSuccess: function() {
>             wicketCalendarInitFinished = true;    
>             while (wicketCalendarInits.length > 0) {
>                 wicketCalendarInits.pop()();
>             }        
>         }
>     });
>     wicketYuiLoader.addModule({
>         name: "wicket-date",
>         type: "js",
>         requires: ["calendar"]^,
>         fullpath:
> "resources/org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DatePicker/wicket-date.js"
>     });
>     wicketYuiLoader.insert();
> }
> ]]></evaluate><evaluate><![CDATA[var element =
> document.getElementById("content32");
> var settings = new Object();
> settings.minWidth=200;
> settings.minHeight=200;
> settings.className="w_blue";
> settings.width="600";
> settings.height="400";
> settings.resizable=true;
> settings.element = element;
> settings.cookieId="modal-2";
> settings.title="hello modalwindow";
> settings.mask="semi-transparent";
> settings.onClose = function() { var
> wcall=wicketAjaxGet('?wicket:interface=:2:homeTabs:panel:shopDetailPanel:wmcModalWindow:modal2::IBehaviorListener:1:-1',null,null,
> function() {return Wicket.$('modal231') != null;}.bind(this)); };
> settings.onCloseButton = function() { var
> wcall=wicketAjaxGet('?wicket:interface=:2:homeTabs:panel:shopDetailPanel:wmcModalWindow:modal2::IBehaviorListener:0:-1',null,null,
> function() {return Wicket.$('modal231') != null;}.bind(this));return
> !wcall;};
> Wicket.Window.create(settings).show();
> ]]></evaluate></ajax-response>
> INFO: Response parsed. Now invoking steps...
> INFO: 
> INFO: Initiating Ajax GET request on
> resources/org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.YuiLib/yuiloader-beta.js
> INFO: Invoking pre-call handler(s)...
> INFO: Received ajax response (101707 characters)
> INFO: Invoking post-call handler(s)...
> ERROR: [object Error]
> +++ERROR: Exception evaluating javascript: [object Error]
> INFO: Response processed successfully.
> INFO: Invoking post-call handler(s)...
> INFO: Calling focus on showModal233
> INFO: focus removed from showModal233
> the attachment file is diffirent compare file(the left debug message file
> run ok, the right debug message run failure
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p21215029/POS2.0%25E5%25B7%25AE%25E5%25BC%2582%25E6%25AF%2594%25E8%25BE%2583%25E6%2596%2587%25E4%25BB%25B6.htm
> POS2.0%E5%B7%AE%E5%BC%82%E6%AF%94%E8%BE%83%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6.htm 
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p21215029/POS2.0%25E5%25B7%25AE%25E5%25BC%2582%25E6%25AF%2594%25E8%25BE%2583%25E6%2596%2587%25E4%25BB%25B6.htm
> POS2.0%E5%B7%AE%E5%BC%82%E6%AF%94%E8%BE%83%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6.htm )

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