Hi every one,
I tried the tree table example and get stuck with two problems.
How can I avoid links in the tree leavlets?
How can I update the tree on a new model. I've generated the tree
information on a database query with a search field. When I press the
search button, I expected the tree to be updated with the new model, but it
doesn't work.

suchform.add(new AjaxButton("search")
                  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                  protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form
form) {
                        suchliste = new SucheDao().search(suchfeld);
                        log.debug("#Treffer: " + suchliste.size());;
                        tm = createTreeModel(suchliste);

tm = createTreeModel(suchliste);
tree = new Tree("tree", tm);

Wicket Version 1.3.6



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