Hi all,


I have a created a simple authorizationstrategy,


           SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy authorizationStrategy = new

VacationAlreadyRegisteredPage.class) {

                              protected boolean isAuthorized()  {

(((VacationApplicationSession)Session.get()).getBookingInformation() ==







I want the user to visit the OnlineVacationAvailabiltyPage only when
he's authorized (= there's no bookingInformation in the session).  When
a execute the following scenario (it's a bit of a reverse login
scenario, but it should work ;-) :


(first visit)

*user enters the OnlineVacationAvailabiltyPage -> isAuthorized returns
true because there is no booking information in the session (= OK)

*users enters information and submits page -> program creates a
bookingInformation object in the session (= OK)

*users clicks back button of the browser -> isAuthorized returns false
because there is a booking information available in the session, the
user is redirected to the VacationAlreadyRegisteredPage (= OK)


The above works as it should, but the following scenario doesn't


(first visit)

*user enters the OnlineVacationAvailabiltyPage -> isAuthorized returns
true because there is no booking information in the session (= OK)

*users enters informations and submits page -> there is a validation
error in the onSubmit action, error(message) is called and the user
returns to the OnlineVactionAvailabiltyPage (but now it's not a
stateless page anymore because there is an error message shown to the
user) (=OK)

*users enters correct information and submits page -> program creates a
bookingInformation object in the session (=OK)

*users clicks back button of the browser -> the isAhtorized method isn't
called anymore and the user returns to the OnlineAvailibiltyPage ( NOT
OK !!!!)


I thinks this happens because after the error occurred my page isn't
stateless anymore L


Any ideas how to solve this ?







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