Hello There.
Im creating a page where the user can either create or update a registry. I
have a few DropDownChoices, and i am trying, on the case o updating a
registry, to set the a specific value of the choices of the dropdownchoice.
Does any one know how? I have tryed to set a value on the PropertyModel that
i use on the creation of the DDC.

Here is the creation of the DDC:

private void buildDistritosComboBox() {
        DistritosModel distritosModel = new DistritosModel();
        SelectedChoice selectedDistrito = new SelectedChoice();//A class
with a variable selectedChoice and it getter and setter
        DropDownChoice distritosDDC = new DropDownChoice("distritos", new
PropertyModel(selectedDistrito, "selectedChoice"), distritosModel);

Thanks a lot
Marco Santos

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