I'm feeling not really smart here, but that doesn't work. urlFor needs something like a irequesttarget. I tried something like this:

add(new WebMarkupContainer("filename").add(new SimpleAttributeModifier(

but that gives me the url of the page, not the downloadlink.

On 10 Jun, at 11:46, Martijn Dashorst wrote:



On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Bas Vroling<bvrol...@cmbi.ru.nl> wrote:
Ok, that is starting to work, thanks! Now I only need to get the url in the
simpleAttributeModifier. This doesn't accept models but needs a
CharSequence, which does seem logical but how do I get the actual URL of the
dlink model in there?

On 10 Jun, at 10:48, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

<param wicket:id="filename" />

add(new WebMarkupContainer("filename").add(new
SimpleAttributeModifier("value", ...)));

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Bas Vroling<bvrol...@cmbi.ru.nl> wrote:

If I set setRenderBodyOnly(true) it doesn't work either, and then it
shouldn't complain anymore. (wicket is the one complaining, not the

On 10 Jun, at 09:53, Dorothée Giernoth wrote:

b/c you can't put a tag into a tag ... as it says: it is a value and it
needs a value, not a tag ... xml doesn't work that way

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Bas Vroling [mailto:bvrol...@cmbi.ru.nl]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009 09:41
An: users@wicket.apache.org
Betreff: inserting urls in script variables

Hi guys,

I'm trying to insert a download url in a piece of template code. The
template part looks like this:

      <span wicket:id="familyName"></span>
<applet code="jalview.bin.JalviewLite" width="100%" height="750"
              <param name="file" value="{{URL HERE}}">
              <param name="embedded" value="true"/>
              <param name="showFullId" value="false"/>

The applet show a multiple sequence alignment that I would like to be
retrieved from wicket.
In my java code I have created a link that downloads the file. This
works fine if I show the link on a page and click on it:

      DownloadLink dlink = new DownloadLink("downloadMsf",
currentJalviewAlignment) {
              public void onClick() {
                      String alignment = (String)
                      byte[] bytes = alignment.getBytes();
AlignmentRequestTarget(bytes, "alignment" + ".fasta"));

When I try to do the obvious, replace the {{URL_HERE}} part with <span wicket:id="downloadMsf"></span> it complains about non-valid XML and

Any ideas?

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