fill in version 2.5.1 in the ecliipse plugin configuration in your
pom. Maven automatically downloaded and used 2.6 for you, which is
completely and utterly borked. 2.7 is almost out, so in the near
future things will return to normal, but in the mean time you'll need
to fix your pom to use maven-eclipse-plugin 2.5.1


On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 3:29 AM, Neil Bartlett<> wrote:
> I thought I'd give Wicket a whirl on a new project. Till now I've
> predominantly used Spring, but I'm doing a small project so I thought
> I'd see what wicket could do.
> I'm getting an exception on the quickstart maven project.
> The exception is
> org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupNotFoundException: Markup of type
> 'html' for component 'com.walpr.HomePage' not found.
> All I believe I have done is run the quickstart. Here is the complete
> list of commands I have typed :
> $ mvn --version
> Apache Maven 2.1.0 (r755702; 2009-03-18 15:10:27-0400)
> Java version: 1.6.0_07
> Java home: c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\jre
> Default locale: en_CA, platform encoding: Cp1252
> OS name: "windows vista" version: "6.0" arch: "x86" Family: "windows"
> $ mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket
> -DarchetypeArtifactId=wicket-archetype-quickstart
> -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.6 -DgroupId=com.walpr -DartifactId=walpr
> #This created the project as expected
> $ mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources
> # this operated as expected it created an clipse project and
> downloaded various sources in to the .m2/repository directory in my
> home directory.
> I imported the above created project into eclipse (Ganymede Version:
> 3.4.1 Build id: M20080911-1700).
> It had some build errors. I set my eclipse M2_REPO environment variable as
> M2_REPO C:/Users/neilb/.m2/repository
> Build was then successful.
> I ran "Debug As" on and Jetty failed to start due to a port 
> conflict.
> I edited anc changed the port to 8088
> connector.setPort(8088);
> Build worked successfully.
> I ran "Debug As" on and Jetty successfully started.
> So far so good.
> Now the problem:
> If I run "Debug As" on and I get the exception error.
> If I browse to http://localhost:8088, I get the exception error.
> (curiously I was expecting the webapp to be bound to
> http://localhost:8080/walpr but it it not -- maybe a clue there?)
> I then edited the to
> and, if I debug TesHomePage or browse to the webapp, I now get a bunch
> of ResourceStreamLocator debugs...
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'com/walpr/HomePage_en_CA.html' on path [folders = [], webapppaths:
> []]
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'com/walpr/HomePage_en_CA.html' using classloader
> sun.misc.launcher$appclassloa...@fabe9
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'com/walpr/HomePage_en.html' on path [folders = [], webapppaths: []]
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'com/walpr/HomePage_en.html' using classloader
> sun.misc.launcher$appclassloa...@fabe9
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'com/walpr/HomePage.html' on path [folders = [], webapppaths: []]
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'com/walpr/HomePage.html' using classloader
> sun.misc.launcher$appclassloa...@fabe9
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage_en_CA.html' on path [folders =
> [], webapppaths: []]
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage_en_CA.html' using classloader
> sun.misc.launcher$appclassloa...@fabe9
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage_en.html' on path [folders = [],
> webapppaths: []]
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage_en.html' using classloader
> sun.misc.launcher$appclassloa...@fabe9
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage.html' on path [folders = [],
> webapppaths: []]
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/WebPage.html' using classloader
> sun.misc.launcher$appclassloa...@fabe9
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/Page_en_CA.html' on path [folders = [],
> webapppaths: []]
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/Page_en_CA.html' using classloader
> sun.misc.launcher$appclassloa...@fabe9
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/Page_en.html' on path [folders = [], webapppaths:
> []]
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/Page_en.html' using classloader
> sun.misc.launcher$appclassloa...@fabe9
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/Page.html' on path [folders = [], webapppaths: []]
> DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator      - Attempting to locate resource
> 'org/apache/wicket/Page.html' using classloader
> sun.misc.launcher$appclassloa...@fabe9
> ERROR - RequestCycle               - Markup of type 'html' for
> component 'com.walpr.HomePage' not found. Enable debug messages for
> org.apache.wicket.util.resource to get a list of all filenames tried:
> All the class files seem to be correctly under target in the project
> and the HomePage.html file is in the same directory as
> under src/main/java/com/walpr/
> I'd appreciate any help or pointers on how to debug this.
> Thx in advance,
> Neil Bartlett
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