Sessionsize recording is rather expensive, I wouldn't turn that on
unless you're hunting for something. So the request times should be
taken with a jar of salt.

Session size per se is not the only factor. A session size of 1MiB can
be perfectly ok, which would still support 1k users on one box given a
heap of > 1GiB. In one of our apps we use the session to cache
component authorization keys per user. This results in sessions of
over 500kiB. In our case it is a tradeoff between speed versus

35kiB is not much IMO.


On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Steve
Swinsburg<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm monitoring my Wicket app via the RequestLogger and going through making
> improvements where needed. I am wondering what
> the size of a session would be before it is considered too large? Is the value given in the 'sessionsize' attribute
> of the logging output a reasonable way to judge what's good and what's not?
> For example, on a particularly large page, rendering a list of data from the
> DB:
> - 4000 items all at once, no paging = 5071985 bytes, 22854 ms
> - add paging, limit to 15 items per page: 35684 bytes, 2213 ms
> Obviously the latter is better, but the question is is 35k for a session ok?
> What would be the value that it becomes too large?
> For reference and for anyone wondering about how to turn on the
> RequestLogger, in your Application class:
> getRequestLoggerSettings().setRequestLoggerEnabled(true);
> cheers,
> Steve

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