Interesting. Thank you.
NM - Software Developer - Buenos Aires, Argentina.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Yann PETIT <> wrote:

> Hi Martjin and all of you Wicket fans,
> I was there ! (as president of Normandy Java User Group)
> It was our first JUG meeting in a small French countryside city (Rouen in
> Normandie) we had around 35 attendees.
> (great success for us, preceding IT meetings organized in our area never
> drove more than 10 attendees )
> I'll try to summarize what was said by our two local but brillant speakers
> :
>   - Youen Chene as GWT fighter (
>   - Nicolas Giard as Wicket knight (
> Here's a short list of the slides  :
>   - A brief history of the two frameworks.
>   - The differences in the scope covered by GWT and Wicket (technically
>   speaking Ajax, javascript, etc.)
>   - How it works ( GWT = coding Java compiled in JS generating HTML /
>   Wicket = coding Java + HTML)
>   - Differences of projects structures (packages... pictures of  the
>   exploded war treeview in eclipse)
>   - Server integration with other technologies like (Spring, EJB, Hibernate
>   etc. using wicket-stuff in one hand or projects like gwtrpc-spring or
> Gilead
>   in the other).
>   - Available widgets natively or by sub projects (Google vizualization,
>   gears, Ext GWT... vs Wicket stuff, Wiquery ...)
>   - CSS or How the design layer is handled comparison.
>   - Browsers compatibility (generated code plus handmade code).
>   - Localization support (different JS by language for GWT, use of
>   properties, xml or database ...)
>   - Accessibly (GWT following ARIA since 1.5 versus Best Practice applied
>   by the HTML developer for Wicket)
>   - Performances (GWT = heavy compilation and long first load, Wicket
>   depends mainly on the developer's code quality )
>   - Tools (GWT has many plugins for integration with Eclipse, some exist
>   for Wicket but aren't really useful since Wicket keeps things simple).
>   - Maven integration (difficult for GWT but possible, some latency on
>   dependencies. While very easy for Wicket and up to date archetypes).
>   - Advantages :
>      - GWT (backward compatibility, stability, code
>      optimization, keyboard interaction)
>   - Wicket (development mad simple again, very enthusiast and
>      attractive community)
>   - Drawbacks
>      - GWT (very long loading the first time, very difficult to reference
>      as it's JS based... very strange coming from a Search Engine company
> ^^ )
>      - Wicket (lacks of notoriety, documentation is sometimes poor,
>      performances strongly tighten to the code quality)
>   - Next release / Roadmap
>   -  Why use one or the other :
>      - GWT for rich applications but not for content websites (blog,
>      e-commerce...) due to inability to reference it on search engines.
>      - Wicket for content web sites first, but why not for rich
>      applications ?
>   - Who uses GWT or Wicket (Lombardi, MyERP, Compiere... vs Artifactory,
>   JTrac, JAlbum, Alfresco GUI, Hippo CMS...)
>   - How to fill the lacks :
>      - Use subproject for widgets like SmartGWT, mix GWT with other
>      framework (velocity, JSF) for referencement.
>      - Use JQuery instead of prototype, more native widgets using Wiquery
>      ?
>   - Wicket + GWT = <3 Love ? (or is it possible to mix both) It seems
>   possible but might be long and hard.
>   - Some links to go ahead
> Maybe we'll try to translate the presentation slides in English (depends on
> time we'll have for that).
> For french reading ones we will publish the slides on our JUG site : *
> I think the most important thing that should be retained is that GWT and
> Wicket should be chosen depending on what we want.
> A rich application that doesn't need search engine referencement => GWT
> A content website with also some dynamic behaviors and referencement needs
> => Wicket
> .
> This presentation was done by a user of GWT and one of Wicket. They didn't
> know the other one technology by themselves, and even didn't know each
> others a few weeks ago. So congratulation to them because it was a real
> challenge to make this comparison in very few days.
> It' goal was to explain in few minutes what are GWT and Wicket, and to give
> attendees the desire to go ahead with one technology or the other.
> Any comments or feedbacks appreciated .
> Yann
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Martijn Dashorst <
>> wrote:
> > There's been quite some announcements going across twitter, but no
> > conclusion...
> >
> > Martijn
> >
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