Actually, validation messages are now getting displayed for validation
performed on components but I am still unable to get error messages that I
have added to be displayed. For example, in the following code, I need a way
to display the line "No PIN found for PIN" but I am not sure how to do that.
Any ideas?

final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink("verifyPinLink") {
            public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
//                target.addComponent(feedback);
//                onError(target, form);

                Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
                ParcelIdentification pid =
                if (pid == null) {
                    error("No PIN found for PIN " + declaration.getPin());
                } else {
                    InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel("verifyPanel", pid);

            public void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

jpalmer1026 wrote:
> I called target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel but still no luck. My
> updated code is as follows:
>  final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink("verifyPinLink")
> {
>             @Override
>             public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
>                 target.addComponent(feedback);
>                 onError(target, form);
>                 Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
> form.getModelObject();
>                 ParcelIdentification pid =
> declarationService.findParcelIdentification(declaration.getPin());
>                 if (pid == null) {
>                     error("No PIN found for PIN " + declaration.getPin());
>                 } else {
>                     InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
> InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel("verifyPanel", pid);
>                     parent.addOrReplace(decVerifyPanel);
>                     parent.setVisible(true);
>                     this.setEnabled(false);
>                     reenterPinLink.setVisible(true);
>                     target.addComponent(this);
>                     target.addComponent(parent);
>                     target.addComponent(reenterPinLink);
>                 }
>             }
>         };
> Erik van Oosten wrote:
>> You did not call target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel or any of its 
>> parents.
>> Regards,
>>     Erik.
>> schreef:
>>> I am using an AjaxSubmitLink to submit form data. Using this, however, 
>>> is preventing feedback messages from being displayed.
>>> My code is as follows:
>>> public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage {
>>>     @SpringBean
>>>     private IDeclarationService declarationService;
>>>     AjaxFallbackLink reenterPinLink;
>>>     public InitiateDeclarationPage() {
>>>         final Declaration declaration = new 
>>> Declaration(EzdecSession.getCurrentUser().getAccount(),
>>>                 EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), "", County.COOK, 
>>> State.ILLINOIS);
>>> //        final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel("feedback");
>>> //        feedback.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>>> //        add(feedback);
>>>         add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));
>>>         final Form form = new Form("initiateDeclarationForm", new 
>>> CompoundPropertyModel<Declaration>(declaration));
>>>         form.add(new Button("submitButton") {
>>>             @Override
>>>             public void onSubmit() {
>>>                 Declaration declaration = (Declaration) 
>>> form.getModelObject();
>>>                 declaration.setStatus(Status.OPEN);
>>>                 ParcelIdentification pin = 
>>> declarationService.findParcelIdentification(declaration.getPin());
>>>                 if (pin == null) {
>>>                     error("No PIN found for PIN " + 
>>> getFormattedPIN(declaration.getPin()));
>>>                 } else {
>>>                     if 
>>> (declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) {
>>>                         EzdecSession.get().info("Declaration " + 
>>> declaration.getTxNumber() + " created");
>>>                         setResponsePage(new 
>>> DeclarationPage(declaration, 0, pin));
>>>                     } else {
>>>                         error("Creating declaration with PIN: " + 
>>> declaration.getPin());
>>>                     }
>>>                 }
>>>             }
>>>         });
>>>         final PINTextField pinText = new PINTextField("pin");
>>>         pinText.setRequired(true);
>>>         pinText.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>>>         form.add(pinText);
>>>         form.add(new DropDownChoice("county", 
>>> Arrays.asList(County.values()))
>>>                  .setRequired(true)
>>>                  .setEnabled(false));
>>>         final WebMarkupContainer parent = new 
>>> WebMarkupContainer("verifyPanelWmc");
>>>         parent.setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true);
>>>         parent.setVisible(false);
>>>         form.add(parent);
>>>         final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new 
>>> AjaxSubmitLink("verifyPinLink") {
>>>             @Override
>>>             public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
>>>                 Declaration declaration = (Declaration) 
>>> form.getModelObject();
>>>                 ParcelIdentification pid = 
>>> declarationService.findParcelIdentification(declaration.getPin());
>>>                 if (pid == null) {
>>>                     error("No PIN found for PIN " +
>>> declaration.getPin());
>>>                 } else {
>>>                     InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = 
>>> new InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel("verifyPanel", pid);
>>>                     parent.addOrReplace(decVerifyPanel);
>>>                     parent.setVisible(true);
>>>                     this.setEnabled(false);
>>>                     reenterPinLink.setVisible(true);
>>>                     target.addComponent(this);
>>>                     target.addComponent(parent);
>>>                     target.addComponent(reenterPinLink);
>>>                 }
>>>             }
>>>         };
>>>         form.add(verifyPinLink);
>>>         reenterPinLink = new AjaxFallbackLink("reenterPinLink") {
>>>             @Override
>>>             public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>>>                 this.setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true);
>>>                 parent.setVisible(false);
>>>                 verifyPinLink.setEnabled(true);
>>>                 target.addComponent(parent);
>>>                 target.addComponent(verifyPinLink);
>>>                 target.addComponent(pinText);
>>>                 target.focusComponent(pinText);
>>>                 this.setVisible(false);
>>>                 target.addComponent(this);
>>>             }
>>>         };
>>>         form.add(reenterPinLink);
>>>         add(form);
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> Does anyone know how to fix this?
>> -- 
>> Erik van Oosten
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