
I'm playing around with validation and ajax, and can't quite seem to do what I want. The goal is to have a checkbox toggle enabled/disabled depending on whether the user has entered a valid email address. So, my simple test looks like this:

final TextField<String> fromAddress = new TextField<String>("fromAddress");

        fromAddress.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {

            protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                if (fromAddress.isValid()) {
                } else {
                    System.out.println("not valid");

If the entered address is valid, then I do get the expected output "valid"

But if it's not valid, then I get a warning message:

WARN - WebSession - Component-targetted feedback message was left unrendered. This could be because you are missing a FeedbackPanel on the page. Message: [FeedbackMessage message = "'asd...@l' is not a valid email address.", reporter = fromAddress, level = ERROR]

I do have a feedbackpanel on the page (if I submit the form, then I get the "asd...@l is not a valid email address" output there).

However, I really don't want the error message being output during the ajax process, I just want to see if it's valid, and then enable/disable the checkbox accordingly.

I also tried playing with AjaxEventBehavior instead of AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior, but then the value of the input field always is null, and hence valid :) I tried using fromAddress.inputChanged, but that made no difference that I could see.

I'm sure I'm making some stupid mistake. Can anyone guide me in the right direction?


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